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Hunter Focus Review: A Premium Nootropic Supplement

Hunter is a premium supplement brand, offering a ready-made stack for a strong mind and body. As any wary consumer knows, however, premium doesn’t always mean better, and sometimes you end up paying more for a fancy package. Read our entire Hunter Focus review to find out if it’s the best way to bump up your IQ.

Hunter Focus First Look:

like What We like 

  • No stimulants.
  • Natural ingredients provide focus.
  • Helps to stay calm as well as focused.
  • Long-term support of cognitive health.
  • Higher doses of ingredients.

don't like What We Don’t Like 

  • Free shipping only on larger orders.
  • Pricier than similar products.
  • More capsules per dose than competitors.

 Deals Available

  • Free delivery when you order a two months’ supply.

bottom line Bottom Line

Hunter Focus offers many of the same ingredients as other, less expensive nootropic supplements, though in larger doses. The supplement can help you keep calm in overwhelming situations and improve cognitive functions, but it comes at a high price with no guarantee.

Find out more about Hunter Focus and other Hunter brand products here.

What Is Hunter Focus Nootropic?

Nootropics are smart drugs, compounds that are intended to improve cognitive performance in areas like memory, motivation, learning ability, and more [1]. Hunter Focus is a nootropic supplement, part of the Hunter line of supplements. It attempts to provide the same benefits as more powerful drugs in a form that can be sold over the counter.

Supplements like Focus use a number of natural and herbal ingredients to support brain health and offer a mild bump to cognitive function.

Who Makes Hunter Focus?

The Hunter line of supplements is owned by Roar Ambition Ltd, a company based in the United Kingdom. The same parent company also makes other popular lifestyle supplements like:

  • TestoFuel.
  • Hourglass Fit.
  • Instant Knockout.
  • Prime Male.

While the company is based in the UK, supplements sold in the United States are also manufactured in the US, according to Roar Ambition’s website.

Is Hunter Focus Nootropic Legit?

The FDA doesn’t regulate dietary supplements like Hunter Focus, but the individual ingredients have been assessed for safety.

We’ll discuss each ingredient within our Hunter Focus review, most of which show links to enhanced cognitive performance.

How Does Hunter Focus Work?

Supplements in general are intended to supply something that your body lacks, either vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients. Nootropic supplements supply nutrients that your brain requires to function at peak efficiency. 

The ingredients might supply important compounds directly, provide supplies for the body to make its own, or otherwise help keep your brain healthy. In Hunter Focus, all of the ingredients are herbal or naturally derived.

What Do Nootropics Do?

A nootropic supplement like Hunter Focus is one of several products that are nootropics for motivation, though probably not in the way you expect. They don’t energize you or put pep in your step. Instead, they focus on motivation in a more technical sense connected to the brain’s reward system.

By providing that sort of motivation, cognitive function is generally improved, affecting focus and mental alertness [2]. Additionally, Hunter Focus helps maintain calm, as well as keeping your brain healthy.

Is It Safe To Take Nootropics Every Day?

Taking Hunter Focus daily should be safe for most people. However, it’s a question best asked to a medical professional. It may interact badly with some conditions or medications, among other potential problems.

With that said, Hunter Focus works by providing proprietary blends of all-natural ingredients. Each has been evaluated and should be safe for brain health when taken regularly.

Hunter Focus Ingredients

The Hunter Focus formula is focused on three general areas, including improving concentration, mood, and memory. The Hunter Focus ingredients include:

  1. Citicoline.
  2. N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine.
  3. L-Theanine.
  4. Phosphatidylserine.
  5. Ashwagandha.
  6. Passion Flower Extract.
  7. Lion’s Mane Mushroom.
  8. Maritime Pine Bark.
  9. Bacopa Monnieri.

Concentration Activation

Concentration is another way to think of the reward-motivation equation. When you’re able to concentrate on a problem and solve it, you feel good. That’s the reward system in action. Hunter Focus features ingredients to support the brain functions that help you improve focus.


When you’ve been thinking hard for a while, your brain gets tired. The brain fog that results may be due to a lack of certain key compounds, including dopamine. Citicoline helps refuel your brain so that you can focus for longer.

Additionally, it may have a nerve-growth-factor-like effect, encouraging the regeneration of damaged neurons [3].

hunter focus review The group taking citicoline saw a greater improvement in composite memory than the placebo group
The group taking citicoline saw a greater improvement in composite memory than the placebo group


N-acetyl-L-tyrosine is a form of the amino acid tyrosine. Among other roles it plays in the body, tyrosine is also part of making dopamine, a key neurotransmitter. Supplementing tyrosine therefore may help improve cognitive performance [4].


Another amino acid, L-theanine is commonly found in tea. It may help settle the mind without making you drowsy, so you can stay calm and focused in stressful situations. It’s also an example of doubling up on benefits, as some nootropics for weight loss might help you shed some pounds [5]

hunter focus review The efficacy of L-theanine at reducing stress
L-theanine showed to have a significant impact on stress levels during the first hour. Although its effects faded around the three-hour mark

Mood Amplification

While we may not consider it, our emotions can greatly affect our ability to think clearly. These ingredients are believed to help reduce stress, leading to an improved mood.


This compound has been associated with a greater ability to handle stress. Chemically, it seems to interact with the glucose metabolism production of the stress hormone cortisol, lowering its levels around the body [6]


Ashwagandha is a herb used in traditional Indian medicine that may contain some compounds that reduce stress and support a calm mood [7]

hunter focus review The effectiveness of ashwagandha at lowering anxiety at different doses
Ashwagandha improved anxiety at both doses over the course of eight weeks

Passion Flower

Passion flower isn’t as well studied as some of the other ingredients in Hunter Focus. However, there’s evidence that passion flower extract can reduce both the mood and physical consequences of stress [8].

Memory Matrix

One of the most important aspects of cognition for everyday life is a good memory. It’s possible each of these ingredients enhances memory.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom

While the lion’s mane mushroom undoubtedly has the coolest name on this list, it’s more technically known as Hieracium Erinaceus. It’s been associated with reducing symptoms of depression and learning and memory deficits, something that might be related to its antioxidant properties [9].

Maritime Pine Bark

Maritime pine bark extract has been tried as a treatment for a whole range of issues, from tinnitus to jet lag. There is some preliminary evidence it may lead to improved memory and cognitive abilities [10].

Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa is often included in nootropics for memory, as it’s been speculated it might help in the treatment of Alzheimer’s. More studies are needed to confirm this benefit [11].

Hunter Focus Benefits

The benefits Hunter Focus offers include:

hunter focus review

  1. Enhances learning abilities.
  2. Improves brain health.
  3. Boosts memory functions.
  4. Reduces symptoms of stress.
  5. Boosts performance.

So far in our Hunter Focus review, we’ve looked at the ingredients and the evidence for their effects. Now, let’s shift our focus to how those effects play out and add up to improvement in cognitive performance.

Enhances Learning Abilities

Learning ability is a general idea that draws on several cognitive functions, including memory, perception, attention, and more. The effects of all the different ingredients come into play here, upping the brain’s performance so you can retain new skills and information. 

Improves Brain Health

Hunter Focus can support a healthy brain in a couple of ways. By providing amino acids and other compounds, you’re supplying your brain with raw materials. 

Other ingredients, like maritime pine bark extract, have antioxidant effects that are useful in protecting brain cells over time. Some ingredients might even replace or prompt the product of nerve growth factor, potentially regenerating damaged nerves.

Improves Memory Functions

While focus and calm are important, there’s nothing as irritating as a bad memory. You can always come back and read that book later, but if you forget your wallet, you’re stuck. 

Many people may find that Hunter Focus is a great example of nootropics for memory. You may not just have an improved memory in the short term, but long-term memory may be improved as well.

Reduces Symptoms of Stress

For many people, stress has caused more poor decisions than perhaps any other factor. It has mental and physical effects that can take a serious toll on your system. Several ingredients help you stay calm, allowing you to think clearly.

Boosts Performance

All of the effects discussed add up to an increase in mental energy, improving every aspect of cognitive function. Mental performance increases as a result, as you are better able to focus and think without fatigue.

How Do You Take Hunter Focus?

Hunter Focus comes in capsule form, with one bottle containing a full month’s supply.

Daily Dosage

Many similar products have you take two capsules per day. If you’re taking Hunter Focus, however, the daily dose is actually four capsules (two capsules twice a day). It’s a small inconvenience, but it may be more than some people want to deal with. On the other hand, it does provide a larger dose than some other products.

Hunter Focus Side Effects

Hunter Focus claims on their website that you shouldn’t experience any side effects. However, that claim may be optimistic, as several ingredients have been associated with unpleasant effects. It’s tough to address all of the side effects and interactions in this Hunter Focus review. However, some potential adverse effects include:

hunter focus review

  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Lowered metabolism.
  • Headache.

You should check with your doctor before starting any new supplement, but particularly if you:

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Take blood thinners or have a bleeding disorder.
  • Suffer from diabetes.
  • Have an autoimmune disease.
  • Are already taking antidepressant medications.

Hunter Focus Customer Reviews

It’s always helpful to read customer reviews when deciding whether or not to invest in a product.

The only reviews we could find on Hunter Focus are on the company’s official website. We can’t be sure if these are genuine, and there are few independent reviews elsewhere. 

However, we can say that while the price is relatively high, the ingredients in the supplement are high-quality and science-backed.

Where To Buy Hunter Focus

The only places we’ve found Hunter Focus are on the brand’s website, as well as the website for its parent company Roar Ambition Ltd. It’s not available through any major retailers like Amazon or Walmart, nor through smaller supplements suppliers.

You may find products on Amazon that claim they are Hunter Focus. However, they are likely to be lower quality imitators, which you can often detect by comparing labels and containers to the real thing. 

Pricing and Guarantee

A single month’s supply of Hunter Focus is a little pricier than similar products, costing $75 plus shipping. With two months’ supply, you get free shipping. However, at $150, you’re paying full price for each month.

The extra cost may be due to Focus’s larger dose size of four capsules a day. In any case, Hunter doesn’t offer a guarantee of any sort for their product. 

Refund Policy

Hunter won’t accept returns of any opened or used items. You can claim a refund if you return your order within 30 days in North America or 14 days elsewhere. Otherwise, the only way to get a refund is if the package or product is damaged or defective.

Additionally, shipping costs are not refunded.

Best Hunter Focus Alternatives

There is a whole range of nootropic supplements available today. Like Hunter Focus, they claim to increase cognitive power by reducing stress and keeping your brain sharp, as well as the gift of better memory.

A few nootropics might offer a better combo of price, guarantee, and effects than Hunter Focus. Additionally, others might be a better fit for your needs if you’re including a supplement as part of an exercise regime or combining supplements for a nootropic stack.

Mind Lab Pro

hunter focus review

Mind Lab Pro uses a few of the same ingredients as Hunter Focus, such as citicoline and tyrosine. As a result, you may expect the same sort of effects in regards to increased focus and neuroprotective properties.

However, Mind Lab Pro is a premium nootropic that is a little cheaper than Focus, while also offering a decent guarantee. Find out if it’s the best choice for you in our Mind Lab Pro review.

Performance Lab Nootropics

Performance Lab Mind is similar in lots of ways to Mind Lab Pro, including many of the same ingredients. It’s designed to keep you mentally alert, while not causing the jitteriness or unnatural energy boost you’d get with caffeine.

There are other benefits to this supplement, as well. Learn about Performance Lab’s exclusive ingredient standardization process in our Performance Lab Nootropics review.


Feeling a little lost? Get your bearings with some simple answers to basic questions.

What Are Nootropic Supplements?

‘Nootropic’ means smart drug, a class of drugs that in some way increase your mental power. Nootropic supplements are over-the-counter products that can over a mild increase to focus, memory, and other mental benefits. Additionally, they may support a healthy brain long-term.

What’s the Most Effective Nootropic?

The most effective nootropic is the one that meets your particular needs. As you’ve gone through our Hunter Focus review, you may have found it’s the option you’ve been looking for.

However, in comparing effectiveness, price, guarantee, and a number of other factors, we’ve found that Mind Lab Pro is at the top of the list.

Are Nootropics FDA Approved?

Nootropics products like Hunter Focus aren’t drugs and so aren’t individually reviewed by the Federal Drug Administration for safety and effectiveness. Instead, ingredients are reviewed for safety then approved for manufacturers to use generally. The FDA doesn’t assess their effectiveness at all.


Every aspect of modern living puts greater demands on our mental resources. Whether you’re at work, messing around on the computer, or getting into a discussion about current events, it’s important to stay sharp and focused. In some ways, the demands may be more than most people can meet.

When nature falls short, scientific research can take you over the finish line. Hunter Focus might be able to provide everything you need to be more focused, though you’ll end up paying for the help.


  1. Suliman, N. A., Mat Taib, C. N., Mohd Moklas, M. A., Adenan, M. I., Hidayat Baharuldin, M. T., & Basir, R. (2016). Establishing Natural Nootropics: Recent Molecular Enhancement Influenced by Natural Nootropic. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2016, 4391375.
  2. Simpson, Eleanor H, and Peter D Balsam. “The Behavioral Neuroscience of Motivation: An Overview of Concepts, Measures, and Translational Applications.” Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2016,
  3. Jasielski, Patryk, et al. “Application of Citicoline in Neurological Disorders: A Systematic Review.” MDPI, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 12 Oct. 2020,
  4. Jongkees, Bryant & Hommel, Bernhard & Kühn, Simone & Colzato, Lorenza. (2015). Effect of tyrosine supplementation on clinical and healthy populations under stress or cognitive demands—A review. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 70. 50-57. 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2015.08.014.
  5. Nobre, Anna C, et al. “L-Theanine, a Natural Constituent in Tea, and Its Effect on Mental State.” Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2008,
  6. Schverer, Marina, et al. “Dietary Phospholipids: Role in Cognitive Processes across the Lifespan.” Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Pergamon, 13 Jan. 2020,
  7. “Ashwagandha: Medlineplus Supplements.” MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 23 June 2021,
  8. da Silva, Janilson Avelino, et al. “Effects of the Single Supplementation and Multiple Doses of Passiflora Incarnata l. on Human Anxiety: A Clinical Trial, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized.” International Archives of Medicine, 2017,
  9. Limanaqi, Fiona, et al. “Potential Antidepressant Effects of Scutellaria Baicalensis, Hericium Erinaceus and Rhodiola Rosea.” MDPI, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 12 Mar. 2020,
  10. Simpson, T., Kure, C., & Stough, C. (2019). Assessing the Efficacy and Mechanisms of Pycnogenol® on Cognitive Aging From In Vitro Animal and Human Studies. Frontiers in pharmacology, 10, 694.
  11. Brimson, James M., et al. “The Effectiveness of Bacopa Monnieri (Linn.) Wettst. as a Nootropic, Neuroprotective, or Antidepressant Supplement: Analysis of the Available Clinical Data.” Nature News, Nature Publishing Group, 12 Jan. 2021, 

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